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Laura L

How To Win Friends and Influence People - Bookstagram Edition

How to make friends on Bookstagram and create content people want to see.

Bookstagram = Instagram for Bookworms

If you’ve started posting on Instagram about the books you read, you’ve probably noticed that there is a huge amount of bookish accounts that seem to refer to themselves as the Bookstagram community.

If you’re just starting out, this may feel daunting. Let me reassure you that Bookstagram is the best corner of the internet, full of creative, inspiring and wonderfully bookish people. Trust me, you’re in great hands.

If, like me, you’d never dreamed of interacting with strangers on the internet before, then here is a little guide to making bookish friends and getting more from your Bookstagram account than you ever imagined.

Tip #1 - Be Selective

Only follow accounts that you enjoy. Do they take great book pics? Maybe they have similar taste in books to you? Is their content inspiring/educational? Or do they read a genre you wish to read more of? This will ensure that scrolling through your feed is pleasurable and engaging.

Tip #2 - Don't Comment

Don't comment for the sake of engagement. I know the Instagram Overlords tell you to Like and Comment like a crazy person, but this is about more than engagement, it's about ENGAGING. If you see a book or a photo you love, tell the person you loved it. Start a conversation, and answer their questions. If you didnt like a book, tell them why you didn't like it. Conversations enable you to get an idea of who the person is and where you are similar or different.

Tip #3 - Get Involved

Look out for Bookstagram Tags or Challenges. Join in and give them a go, even if you haven't been tagged in them. Tag the accounts you enjoy and would be interested in what they have to say about the books you’ve posted or if you want to see how they’d interpret the tag/challenge.

Tip #4 - Share

Share the posts you love. Share them to your stories and introduce the people who follow you to the accounts you enjoy the most. Comment on other people's stories, if they make you laugh, if you appreciate their content and find it relatable. Do this only when you have something to say, don't force it.

Tip #5 - Join a Book Club

If that Book Club meets up locally or online, get involved. If that Book Club isn't the right fit for you, join a different one. You’ll be reading new things and discussing them with new people in no time.

Tip #6 - Don't Be Shy

Ok bookworms, I realise I’m addressing mostly introverts here. However, when you find a safe space where you can be passionate about the things you love, open up and be yourself and not only will people see you, they'll feel seen by you too.

Authenticity and respect are key, no point discussing the merits of War and Peace if it bores you. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Your tastes and opinions are not for everyone and that's ok. In the same way, don't post about Colleen Hoover's books if she’s not your jam, just because she's hugely popular, we’re not here to please everyone. We're here to connect.

Be yourself and let others do the same.

Tip #7 - Buddy Reads

Schedule or join a buddy read. If you see people planning to read a book you have on your shelf, ask them if you can join. Even better, set one up yourself, if I see a book on someone's TBR that I've been putting off for ages and I want to get to know them better; I suggest we schedule a buddy read.

I’ve made some great IRL and online friends through buddy reads, especially when we didn’t enjoy the book. You learn a lot about yourself and others by discussing a book openly and honestly.

Tip #8 - Don't Apply Pressure

You don’t have to make reels or post every day to make friends and be seen. You need to post content you enjoy, content YOU want to see and the people who want to see it too will find you. They will in turn introduce you to new books, new authors and new accounts to follow.

Tip #9 - Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Attend book events if you can, talk to people, get out there and meet people. There are real people behind the influx of images you see on your phone, and they’re not too different from you.

Tip #10 - More Than Follows and Likes

I have a small account, compared to some; but what I have gained from Bookstagram is way more than a number of followers. I have made genuine friends for life, people who see me and care about me and what I have to say. They have opened up a whole new world for me and I wouldn't be without them.

I was never short of friends, but bookish friends are something else. Go make some!

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