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Laura L

Happy New Year! - Reading Resolutions 2022

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Happy New Year bookish friends.

Have you made any New Year Resolutions?

Or in the words of Virginia Woolf...

'... the chief resolution is the most important - not to make any resolutions.

- The diary of Virginia Woolf, January 2, 1931.

Woolf's words resonate with me at this time of year. I dislike resolutions, but I love a set of goals. Goals are forward-focused, they're not about taking away something you enjoy. They're about focusing on what you love and want to achieve.

So... my goals for 2022 are as follows:

Reading Goals - 2022

1. Buy a Kindle (I'm late to the party on this one, wrongfully believing that I'm too 'old school', don't enjoy reading from a screen and only the real thing will do (it's the turning of the pages and that new book smell.) However, after borrowing one from a friend, I am now fully aware that it is about to change the (reading) game for me completely. I'm super excited.

2. Read at least one classic a month. I love a good classic and feel like I'm missing out on them just as much as the new releases.

3. Continue to read one nonfiction book a month. I started this last year as nonfiction was a genre I struggled to engage with. I have had a great year of reading about psychology, politics, feminism, science, history and the art of writing and have come to love and appreciate the genre.

4. Write more and finally launch this blog. I have put it off for over a year, for one reason or another. There is no time like the present, ready or not. I'll be learning as I go.

5. Take part in more 'buddy reads' - this is something I have really enjoyed since joining #bookstagram - reading books alongside other people or as part of a group has been such a great experience.

These are my 22 TBR (To be read) books for 2022 - #22booksin2022

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