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Writer's pictureLaura Faconti

Bookstagram Hashtags and Post Ideas for Every Day of the Week

Updated: May 12

#Bookstagram Hashtags & Post Ideas for every day of the week 

Do you want to be more consistent with posting on your bookstagram page, but find it difficult to think of things to post?

I have been on Bookstagram for almost three years and I've learned a lot. There are two key things you need to post consistently, good planning and lots of ideas to choose from. I will cover the planning side of things soon, but for now, here are several options for you to choose from for every day of the week. 

These hashtags are not promising you will go viral and I honestly have no idea what it trending. But this post will offer you some much needed inspiration and hopefully leave you feeling spurred on to create some great content. Enjoy!


#Mondayblues - Mondays are almost always the harshest day of the week, cheer your audience up with some great blue books. 

#Motivationalmonday - I love a motivational quote. Use quotes from your current or past reads to spread joy and inspire others. 

#Mondaymusings - Have you been thinking about something book-related (or not) that you'd like to discuss with your followers? Share your thoughts and start some interesting conversations. Generic photos work well here.


#Twofortuesday - create an image with two books, they can be the same genre/author or just be the two books you’re currently reading. Maybe they're the last two books you purchased. It doesn't really matter, so feel free to mix it up. 

#Tomesonatuesday - A tome suggests a large or an old book to me, but you can be as creative with this as you like. 

#Translationtuesday - If you’re a fan of translated fiction, this is a good opportunity to showcase your collection, TBR (to be read) or give recommendations of translated texts. 


#Pinkwednesday - You have probably come across 'on Wednesdays we read pick' already. This started as a breast cancer awareness post, and has grown in popularity. Feel free to make it as related/unrelated to breast cancer screening/awareness as you wish. There are no rules. 

#Writersonwednesday - showcase your favourite authors, write something yourself or even share some of your WIP (work in progress). 

#Wednesdayphotodump - I love a hump day photo dump, it’s a chance to use all those photos that didnt quite make it into posts. It’s also a great way to extend your aesthetic add character to your page and give your audience a little life update. I often pair this with a #whatthisweek which helps to connect with others who are watching/listening to the same things. 


#Threeonathursday - Any three books will do. This is a really versatile idea. I sometimes combine this one with a #Lastnownext, or use it to show off a collection of books. You can make it work for you and what you feel inspired by. 

#Thrillerthursday - Share some of your favourite thrillers, most recent thrilling reads or thriller books that are on your TBR. 

#Throwbackthursday - Share a book you loved as a child, a book that got you back into reading maybe or even a book you haven't read for years and would like to pick up again. Bookstagram loves a bit of nostalgia. 


#Fridayflatlay - Flatlays can be a little tricky to get right, but they do make for very satisfying visuals. A flatlay is just books laid on a flat surface, what books you choose and how you present them is all down to you. 

#Feministfriday - Showcase your favourite feminist books or characters. Is there anauthor who you feel writes women well? This is all pretty open to interpretation, so have fun with it. 

#Favouritesfriday - showcase some of your favourite reads from the last year/month/week. Share your favourite mug/bookmark/blanket, anything goes really. I like to share some of my favourite posts from other bookstagrammer on my stories too. We can go into story ideas at a later date.

Saturday and Sunday

(You can interchange these) 

#Saturdayshelfie #Sundayshelfie - This can be a picture of any bookshelf or a selfie of you in front of a bookshelf. I enjoy taking photos of bookshelves wherever I go, but if you want to feature your shelves/trollies/stacks, that can work too. 

#Slowsaturday #Slowsunday - Are you slowing down this weekend? Do you hope to get some reading done? Maybe you’re super busy but wishing for a slow one. Either way this is a chance to catch up and connect with your audience. 

#Saturdayplans #Sundayplans - Are you planning to visit your local bookshop? Maybe you plan to stay home and finish your current read. Either way, engage your audience by letting them know what you are up to and what you plan to spend your day doing. 

Remember, your account is about you and your reading journey. You don't have to create content in the same way as everyone else. It is your individuality that is most attractive to the people who follow you. In doing things your way you also encourage others to approach their content creation with authenticity. Variety is the spice of life after all.

Please let me know if you have found this list helpful and if there are any other bookstagram-related issues I can help with. 



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